The new coronavirus from Wuhan, China has been spreading. President Donald Trump has assured Americans that the country is “very, very ready” to face whatever threat the disease poses head on. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, have warned that it’s not a matter of “if,” but “when,” and have suggested that quarantines may become necessary as more COVID-19 or “novel coronavirus” cases are detected.

While no one should panic while you’re stuck in quarantine, it’s a good time to keep up on your own preparation at home as well.

Helpful links

As you’re Safer at Home, it can be a little stressful not working and no money coming in as bills begin to mount. Here are some links to keep you updated on the progress of this current worldwide pandemic as well as information on what you can submit to if you are out of work like the millions of citizens around the world.

 Information: this can keep you up to date of the progress of the virus and possible solutions

Relief: here are links to get the monetary help you need to get your bills paid
    • : The Small Business Administration is where you can apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan if you are a small business or independent contractor

CA Specific: These links are for California residents of independent contractors, bartenders, restaurant workers, entertainment industry, musicians, and artist needing grants, assistance and filing for unemployment.

                                             Click here for more resources..



It’s recommended that you have enough non-perishable food on hand to carry you through at least two

weeks, according to the American Red Cross.


Just shy of a liquid diet

Canned Vegetables & Fruit

Happy Belly is an Amazon brand that has goods available daily when stock may run out. This link is to their pantry for all their vegetables.

Grains, pasta & rice

Non perishables will last until you need them

snacks and cookies

Enter at your own risk. I recommend not ordering while hungry.

30-Day 1-Person Emergency Food Supply

If you're in prepper mode or just want to keep for emergencies like other Acts of God, this will last up to 25 years before use.


Water is the most important, but other hydrating beverages are good too. A two-week supply is recommended for your homes during a quarantine.


Pick your poison and drink your liquids

tap Water filters

If your municipal water from the faucet is drinkable, you can add a filter to keep from wasting plastic

Hydrating drinks

Keep from getting dehydrated or nurse that hangover


UV light destroys germs' ability to reproduce and make you sick; The SteriPEN destroys over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa

Toiletries & Hygiene

Good hygiene, particularly regular and thorough hand washing, is one of the best ways to protect yourself from coronavirus, or just plain old cold or flu, according the CDC. Make sure you’re stocked on these items during quarantine:
Kleenex Facial Tissues, 4 Cube Boxes

Tissues to keep from touching your face

Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap

WASH YOUR HANDS for at least 20 sec

Defense Soap

This excellent soap has essential oils that help get rid of the bad bacteria and keeps the good bacteria on your skin

Defense Soap body wash

Bring that fantastic soap in the shower with you. And while you're at it, wash your hands while you're in there.

Disinfecting Wipes

Keep surfaces clean and free from viruses


Keep your clothes clean and smelling fresh while you're home


Emergen-C Vitamin C 1000mg Powder : 60 Count

A good dose of Vitamin C helps speed up the process if you have gotten sick

Nature Made Vitamin C 500 mg

Daily intakes of ascorbic acid of 1 g or more have been reported to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms of the common cold and other respiratory illnesses according to The National Center for Biotechnology Information (

Personal Health


          You’re on quarantine, and now is the time to get in shape like you told yourself New Years. Regular exercise and eating healthy is great for your body and will help fight against the common cold and possibly other viruses. 


SereneLife Portable Infrared Home Spa | One Person Sauna

Saunas studies have shown to reduce all-cause mortality when used more often.

Bowflex Adjustable Weights

Small compact set of weights to get in your workout

Kettle Gryp - Kettlebell Adjustable Weight Grip

Kettlebells are a great for functional fitness, and this 'gryp' can wrap around the weights you have now to turn into a kettlebell

Resistance Bands Set

Simple resistance bands can get you a great workout in a small space

Yoga mat

1/4" Thick High Density Deluxe Non Slip Exercise Pilates & Yoga Mat. Now is the time to get your free indoor yoga done!